The Bloomfield Public Library has received $5,000 in grant money from the NJ Council for the Humanities. The money will be used to fund events that will encourage Bloomfield residents to vote, learn information about local elections and learn why it is important to be involved in local government. Read the rest of the press release about our grant here.
Voting Information
Looking for your polling place for Election Day? Click here.
There will be NO Electronic Voting Machines at your Polling Place on Election Day!
You can only vote 3 ways at your polling place on Election Day.
Vote on a provisional paper ballot.
Vote utilizing the audio component to listen to the ballot and make selections on a hand-held device (only if you are disabled)
Bring your Vote by Mail Ballot to your polling place and drop your voted ballot in a Secure Drop Box inside your polling place.
Want to register to vote? You can register online here, or fill out this application and print it to mail in, or visit the library for an application.
Not sure if you're registered to vote? Check here.
Not sure if you're eligible to vote? Check here.
Here is the page for the NJ Division of Elections Voter Rights and Accessibility Information. Click here.
Here is some information on voting rights in New Jersey. Click here.
Local Information
Get a preview of the Bloomfield ballots here.
Here are the locations of Essex County Ballot Drop Boxes.
Watch a short video about vote by mail in Essex County.
How Local Elected Officials Work Together
A discussion featuring elected officials at state, county, and town level about what their roles are and how they work together. Check back here for the Zoom link.
Past Events
Who Really Elects the President? The Workings of the Electoral College
Frank Argote-Freyre, an Associate Professor at Kean University and 2012 elector for President Barack Obama will explain the Electoral College process.
Click here for a video recording of the event.
Who Really Elects the President? The Workings of the Electoral College
Essex County Freeholder Carlos Pomares and Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin discuss vote-by-mail and answer all the questions that residents have about how voting is different in 2020.
Click here for a video recording of the event.
What's All This About "Fake New"?
Jason Luther, an Assistant Professor at Rowan University at Rowan University will explain why “fake news” spreads so easily, how to identify truth from fact, and how we can overcome it. Note: This presentation was not recorded. Here are some resources about "fake news."