eBooks, Digital Audiobooks & Magazines
The Bloomfield Public Library and BCCLS provide patrons with digital content including ebooks, audiobooks, read-along books, and magazines anytime, anywhere using Overdrive, Libby, and Palace. All you need to get started is your library card!
Introducing the Palace app, your newest e-reading experience. Access the library’s ebooks in one simple app. Enjoy thousands of free books from the Palace Bookshelf as well as exclusive titles only available to you in Palace. Download the Palace app for Android or Apple iOS today!
Libby, by Overdrive
The easiest way to enjoy the Library's collection of digital media from Overdrive is by downloading the free Libby app which is available for Android, iOS, Windows 10, and some Chromebooks.
If you have an older device or just one that's not compatible with the Libby app, you can use the OverDrive app to borrow and enjoy digital titles instead.