House History
Buy a historic house in Bloomfield and want to know who lived there and more about the history of your home?
FamilySearch has some old deeds
City Directories - can give you the names of former occupants
Census Records - Can give you more information on the former occupants
Newspapers to see if anything of note happened in your home
Sanborn maps - These give you shape and location of houses and sometimes block number then you can look them up at city hall building permits sometimes original blueprints and tax records of property transfers.
Historical Society Map page - a set of historic maps of Bloomfield from the 1906 Mueller Atlas of Essex County
Interactive map of Bloomfield - from the Township
Our Special Collections Department has some histories of local homes as does the Bloomfield Historical Society. The Historical Society of Bloomfield's Facebook page is a great place to connect with experts on the history of Bloomfield.
Genealogy and Local History Resources
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Did you know?
The Museum of the Bloomfield Historical Society is located on the 3rd floor of the Children's Library. Find out more about them at