Weekly & Monthly Clubs
Copies of all Book Club books are available at the front desk a few days after each month's meeting.
Monday Night Book Club
Monday January 6 @ 6:30pm
Meets the 1st Monday of every month
Discussing "A Wild Winter Swan" by Gregory MacGuire
Meets in the library Conference Room
Nonfiction Book Club
Tuesday December 17 @ 6:30pm
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month
Discussing "Challenger : a true story of heroism and disaster on the edge of space" by Adam Higginbotham
Meets in the library Conference Room
Our Stories/Our Shelves: Creative Writing Workshop
November 20
Meets Wednesdays mid-month
No registration required
Meets in the library Conference Room
Spanish Book Club
Monday November 18 @ 6:30pm
Meets the 3rd Monday of every other month * This date subject to change
Discussing "La Campaña" by Carlos Fuentes
Meets in the library Conference Room
Mystery Book Club
Wednesday* December 18 @ 6:30pm
Meets the 4th Tuesday of every month
This month's date changed due to availability
Discussing "The Mistletoe Murder" by PD James
Meets in the library Conference Room
Romance Book Club
Monday, January 13 @ 6:30pm
Meets the 2nd Monday of every month
Discussing "A Novel Love Story" by Ashley Poston
Meets in the library Conference Room
Upcoming Events
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Interested in teaching a class or leading a club on any topic you find interesting? Send us an email to share your ideas and interests.