General & Student Research
Reference Solutions (Formerly ReferenceUSA) - Provides detailed, current directory information on U.S. Businesses, residents, & healthcare providers, Canadian businesses and residents.
Business Source Elite - business database with company profiles
Regional Business News - full text coverage for regional business publications
Small Business Reference Center - periodicals, reports, sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, videos and reference books, supporting small business owners in all relevant areas from planning, financing and managing a business to exit strategies. Search within ‘Topics’ and ‘Types'
Learning Express - Career Prep center
Learning Express - Adult Core Skills
ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) - access to information from journals Education Journals
Teacher Reference Center - provides indexing and abstracts for hundreds of periodicals. In addition, 96% of journals indexed in TRC are peer-reviewed.
Learning Express Study Guide - Prepare for the GED test in English or Spanish, TASC, Math & Reading Skills, CLEP, ACCUPLACER, ASSET, THEA, PERT, TSI, College Placement, SAT, TOEFL,Prepare for the ASVAB, Military Flight Aptitude tests, SIFT, ASTB, AFOQT, Officer Candidate Tests, CFAT, Allied Health, Dental Assistant, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Physicial Assistant, Radiologic Technologist, Verterinary Technician, Air Traffic Controller, Civil Service, CDL, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Electrician, EMS, EMT, Paramedic, Firefighter, Postal Worker, Law Enforcement, NCLEX PN, NCLEX RN, Real Estate, Plumbing ....and more.
Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Center - Prepare for standardized tests with eBooks, online courses, and full-length practice tests for GED, SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, TOEFL, U.S. citizenship, and more. Research undergraduate and graduate programs, find tuition assistance, and exploring and preparing for careers whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or searching for new opportunities. A variety of interactive methods prompt personalized career recommendations and insight on programs, knowledge, skills, and ability. Search for jobs and create visually interesting résumés, cover letters, and websites that can be externally shared with prospective employers, using prebuilt templates.
Library Science Degree Online - Library science is the academic study of information studies. This means that the main focus of a library science degree is to better understand classification, research, and overall knowledge exchange. Within the field of information sciences, there are a variety of career options, but all center around the ability to organize and express information, generally through books, collections, and online resources. Click this link for an insightful article concerning the importance of diverse, equitable, and inclusive public libraries.
General Reference
Image Collection (via JerseyClicks) - photos and maps, with an emphasis on world news and events. Also includes contemporary and historical photos of people, places, and the natural kingdom
Explora Public Library Edition - journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings.
History & Biography
Salem History - Musicians and Composers; Great Lives (Notorious and Inventors); 1950's America
Gale Biography in Context - reference content alongside magazine and journal articles, primary sources, videos, audio podcasts, and images. Covering a vast array of people from historically significant figures to present-day newsmakers.
Legal Information Reference Center - contains many full-text publications such as NOLO guides to immigration, renter and tenant issues and more. Also includes thousands of legal forms.
NJ Statutes - Locate the content bar on the left, then scroll down to Laws and Constitution and select Statutes.
Literary Criticism
Salem Literary Criticism - Authors; Works; Surveys; Magill's Literary Annuals
Literary Reference Center - a database that provides a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes.
NoveList -a comprehensive readers' advisory solution for fiction lovers with an intuitive interface and extensive proprietary content, NoveList answers the question: What should I read next?
Gale Literature Resource Center - access to full text literary, plays & poetry criticism
Magill's Medical Guide, 8th Edition - medical questions and conditions answered 24/7
Health Source: Consumer Edition - This rich collection of consumer health information provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets.
Newspapers & Journals
Bloomfield Life - Text only versions of back issues (2009 - 2022) available 24/7. Access in-library, or remotely with your Bloomfield Public Library card.
Newark Star-Ledger Collection - Current and back issues in text, image, and web edition available 24/7 access in-library, or remotely with your Bloomfield Public Library card.
EbscoHost - Full Text periodical search
Newspaper Source Plus - Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Points of View Reference Center - a full-text database providing students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue.
Academic Search Premier - academic journals
MasterFILE Elite - Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, including full text reference books and an Image Collection of photos, maps and flags, beginning 198
Military and Government Collection - current cover-to-cover full text journals and periodicals news pertaining to all branches of the military and government.
Encyclopedia of Global Warming - comprehensive coverage of the questions of global warming and climate change.
GreenFILE - content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects.
Referencia Latina - Spanish-language database, offers content from a variety of sources including encyclopedia entries.
EbscoHost in Spanish - Full Text Spanish language periodicals
LearningExpress - Recursos Para Hispanohablantes. Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en españo